Product Case Study

Enhancing E-Commerce Customer Experience

Stories of Strategic Impact


An e-commerce platform with millions of users worldwide was facing challenges in maintaining consistent application performance, leading to customer dissatisfaction and increased churn. The platform needed a solution to monitor and optimize performance, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Business Challenge/Objective:

  • Provided Deep Application Visibility: The ecommerce company needed to ensure that its platform and applications were running smoothly to provide a positive user experience.
  • Reduce Customer Churn: Poor application performance was leading to customer dissatisfaction and increased churn rates.
  • Improve Customer Support Efficiency: The platform sought to reduce the number of inbound support calls related to application issues.
  • Solution/Approach:

    ScoutITAi implemented its Application Management tools, providing real-time monitoring and performance analytics for the platform’s applications. Customizable alerts were set up to notify the IT team of performance issues before they could impact users. Additionally, ScoutIT’s dashboard was used to provide the support team with real-time data, helping them resolve customer issues more efficiently.


  • Customer Churn Reduced by 30%: Improved application performance led to a significant reduction in customer churn.
  • Support Calls Decreased by 25%: The enhanced monitoring and proactive issue resolution reduced the number of inbound support calls.
  • User Experience Improved: The platform now delivers a more consistent and reliable user experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Conclusion/Impact:

    The e-commerce platform has successfully improved its application performance, leading to lower churn rates and more satisfied customers. The reduced support burden has also allowed the company to focus on further enhancing the user experience.

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